Order of submission, peer review and publication of scientific article
Requirements to send articles
1. The file name: should specify, about what in article speech (steam of keywords). Registers Latin letters. For example: Vozmozhnosty_Tomographii.doc.
2. Article text should be typed in the text editor, the size and the font name get out at will of the author (but from among standard, available on any computer).
3. From the author it is required to specify UDC (http://teacode.com/online/udc/).
4. It is necessary to allocate with the separate block keywords (as a rule, nouns or a word-combination, characteristic for a theme considered in article): undertake from the text, from 3 words (quantity not restrictedly), in alphabetic order.
5. To article the short summary from several offers is given: about what, actually, article (not to confuse to the prologue where there can be only an introduction in a theme). The summary is given in Russian and English languages.
6. Article should have an introduction and final part (on 2 - 3 offers).
7. The title and structural (semantic) division should be obligatory. If the text is more than on 2 strips (that is over 8 thousand signs, it is better – already after 5 thousand signs if it allows a text composition) division by headings on «section» is recommended. Thus the first heading should stand in that case right after the prologue (if it consists of 1-2 paragraphs).
8. Illustrative material. All photos should have signatures. Names and surnames of people to specify completely. In the presence of the technical illustrations connected on sense with the text (schedules, diagrammes, schemes and so forth), the last should have the caption signatures describing that is represented in drawing, and the reference to them in the text (pic. 1, pic. 2 and so forth). All inscriptions on a foreign language should be translated. The same concerns tables: they should have thematic heading and a binding to the text (tab. 1 and so forth)
9. The literature list is made out in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 (it is published on a site http://www.lib.unn.ru).
10. Bibliographic footnotes it is made out in accordance with GOST 7.05-2008.
11. Technical requirements to graphic files: format JPEG or TIFF, the permission 300 dpi. Names of graphic files should be clear. In article text at instructions of the name of drawing it is necessary to add the name of a corresponding graphic file.
12. It is necessary to specify the detailed information on the author: Surname Name, completely, scientific degree, a rank, a scientific institution full name, contact phone and an e-mail address (if is available). The contact information is necessary for article placing in the Russian index of scientific citing.
13. Articles are reviewed by editorial council.
14. The payment for the publication of manuscripts is not raised from post-graduate students.
Peer review in scientific and practicaljournal «Actual Optometry»
Peer review of scientific articles or literature reviews submittedto our journal is performed by the members of editorial boardor invited experts in the field in question in the form of a one-way anonymous review. All submittedarticles (manuscripts) are made anonymous for subsequent transfer for review.
The review should contain the authoritative analysis of the manuscript, objective evaluation of the manuscript in the following areas:
1.Compliance with the subjects of the journal;
2.Originality, scientific and/or practical significance of an article;
3. The quality of the material:
whether the abstract is informative enough;
the presentation of the article is clear;
should the size of the article be reduced;
the purpose of the article is clear;
is the place of an articleadequately defined among other scientific works;
should the level of detail in the mathematical calculationsbe downgraded;
quality of the submitted list of references;
whether all figures and tables are appropriate;
are there factual errors and technical inaccuracies;
how strictly and consistently laid out the mathematical and experimental results;
is there enough substantiated the findings and conclusions of the article itself;
article may be accepted for publication without additional work;
article needs some work and repeated review;
article cannot be accepted for publication;
the article should be referred to another specialist for review.
5.Date, signature, name, patronymic, surname reviewer (academic degree, academic rank, position, place of work)
Review of the manuscript, issued in writing (which may be written in free form) is sent to the editorial office. Reviews are stored at the Publisher and the editorial office for not less than 5 years. Upon receivalof request, editorial copies of reviews are forwarded to the Ministry of education and science of Russia.